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From gamejam to Game - Devblog#1

Crumble begins with the 42th ludum dare game jam.

The theme was "Running out of space". The game we came up with took us 72 hours and the original concept was a platformer game with a little blue ball trying to survive cannonballs.

You can play the game-jam version of Crumble here:

We did an HTML version of the game which wasn't really a good idea since nobody can run that much physics on any web browser, we strongly recommend you to download the game if you want to test it out.

Since then we have made so much progress on the game, we've taken every comments on the prototype in consideration for the development of crumble. And the game was quite popular when it released on ludum dare.

We decided to implement a new mechanic to the game: the tongue.

The game also had different look during the pre-production, we started with using vertex color to texture assets but for performance reasons we just stuck with texture and a very simple light.

We will make devblogs in the future about our Fx and shader process aswell as scripting techniques used for the game.

And this is what the games looks like right now:

Crumble will still change graphically and we're still trying to improve ourselves.

This is a short devblog because this week we will launch the demo of the game on Steam and Itchio.


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