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Crumble Digest#07 + Release Date
As i'm nearing the end of crumble development i can already give you the expected release date of the game: December 04, 2020! Release...

Crumble Digest#06
Long time since I made one, I bring you some crumbly news about the game! And if you don't follow my twitter, you can read here some...

Tongue Tether Swing 3D - Devblog#14
Oof that's an old image I had to reuse! 3D clouds yikes. So this one is going to be talking about how I did the spide... tongue swing in...

Watercolor shader - Devblog#13
How about a devlog about a watercolor shader? Sounds good! And you don't even have to bring your brush with you! Inspiration Let's talk...

Palely - Digest#05
Another week, another game!? Palely - LDJAM45 Last week I participated to the LDJAM 45, the theme was "Start with nothing". Here is the...

Crumble Digest #04
Another week another digest! Crumble New Demo is out Maybe you haven't heard about it but the new demo is out and I've been receiving a...

Crumble new Demo is out!
Yes, Crumble new demo is out, with new contents, new levels, improved mechanics and visuals! You can have a quick peek at the new stuff...

Origin Story - Devblog#12
I wanted to expand on my tweets about my previous projects so here is the 12th devblog about my secret origin story! In the beginning,...

Curved Water Sea shader - Devblog#11
To popular demand, today I'm going to tell you how to achieve this flat style water effect with a bonus curvature thrown into it! The...

Avion - Digest#03
This week-end I've been participating in a french game jam and I made a game called Avion in 48 Hours! You can play it HERE! The Concept...

Farting mushrooms - Devlog#10
Didn't expect that one now did ya? The art of farting sounds Farting sounds were fun to implement in Crumble because it just takes you by...

Crumble Digest #02
Second digest of Crumble, so what did happen last couple of weeks uh? Grass Shader Polished Now twitter embed is white, so cool! So, the...

How to Roll a Ball - Devlog#09
How to roll a ball in your game, like the unity roll a ball standard asset, but better! The standard asset Jokes aside, Unity offers a...

Image effects shader - Devblog#08
Today I'm going to write about Image effect shaders, this might be the most effective and visible of them all. It is used as a way of...

Crumble Digest #01
Here is my first digest of what has been going around the development of Crumble in the last weeks ! LAVA LEVEL The lava level was...

Vertical fog shader - Devblog#07
A quick one for today, talking specifically about the vertical fog shader in Crumble. Fog plane The vertical fog I use in Crumble is made...

Sky and Fog Shader - Devblog#06
Today we will talk about a calm and soothing topic, the sky and fog shader in Crumble. I wanted to split it in 2 different devlogs but i...

Sheep It Shader - Devblog#05
As said previously on past devblogs and twitter. We've participated in the Ludum Dare 44 game jam, and the game we made is named Sheep...

Grass Shader – Devblog#04
The grass shader we made for Crumble contribute in the unique aspect of the game. You can roll through it and the grass will bend giving...

Physic and Optimization - Devblog#03
A lot of questions that we received during the game jam event of ludum dare 42 were about the physics setup on unity. The unity physic...
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