Another week, another game!?
Palely - LDJAM45
Last week I participated to the LDJAM 45, the theme was "Start with nothing".
Here is the page of Palely entry.
and Here is the itch page.
The pitch of the game is basically creating objects out of letters forming words.
And then being able to destroy the same object for more letters.
It was pretty ambitious for a 72 hours jam but with the help of 3 friends of mine we were able to finish it in time.
We tried to keep it interesting with puzzles to solve and a progression to follow.
Obviously we didn't make an object for each word of the dictionary but we made quite a few and we tried to keep it in the moebius-esque style.
Speaking of moebius, during the jam I made this super cool watercolor shader for every asset we had. Here is a closer look at it:
It has a custom everything, moving colored shadows and hold the ink apparition effect! Add it to the shaders devlog queue!
If you can't play the game yourself you can take a glance at a gameplay video I made for it:
Some Crumble news
2D Crumble
Last digest I showed you a glimpse of what 2D crumble could look like and I just finished the mechanics for it:
It's going to be part of the levels and will be a fresh game experience of the same level design.
Character Skin
I'm currently implementing the coop/party game features, and for that I need skins to differentiate players. It has always been part of my plan to have them act a sort of achievement/reward system for the player, meaning when you unlock a steam achievement for instance you get a skin. For now I have up to 30 different unique skins that aren't just recolored default one (Maybe I will do it for the default coop skins, who knows). I have reached out to a couple of other game devs I know and some agreed to let me use their character as skins which is super cool!!
For instance the developer of Bokube and his rabbit:
You can even switch skins without going into the menu, just by pressing bumpers on the side of your controller. (I've yet to determine where to have it on keyboard)
In other small news, I reworked the tongue/hook mechanic a last time to clean the math etc... and followed some recent outputs from demo players to remove the weird loading visual feedback for hooking.
1 Wishlist = 1 Happy Crumble