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The Ground asset is controlled entirely through the material property block, I suggest toying with the values to familiarize yourself with them. The material being very long I categorized the fields into:

Ground Textures || Ground Values || Tiling Textures || Tiling Values || Mud Values || Custom Fog || Lighting || Tessellation || Pragmas

I will describe the important parameters in order:

|| Ground Textures ||

- Ground Albedo: A colored texture to control the ground color

- Ground Albedo Saturation: The saturation value of the ground texture

- Overall Scale: The scale parameter controlling every texture coordinates except the ground displacement

- Ground Little Spec: The B&W texture controlling the specular intensity where the light reflects on the ground surface

- Ground Displacement Texture: The texture controlling the displacement of the ground vertex

- Displacement Offset: The value differentiating the height between ground and tiling, 0 = no differences in height

- Displacement Color Multiplier: The parameter multiplying the value(color) difference based on displacement height

- Displacement Shadow Multiplier: The parameter multiplying the shadow value based on displacement height

- Up Vector: The higher this value is the more the displacement will move towards the world upward vector

- Normal Vector: The higher this value is the more the displacement will move towards the vertex normal

|| Ground Values ||

- Ground Scale: The scale parameter controlling the ground texture coordinates

- Dig Color: The color tint of the dug up ground based on interactive effect (blue)

- Normal Effect Depth: The multiplier offset of the interactive effect, does not scale with the RenderTexture dimension if you do not understand what it does leave it between 0.10-0.20

- Normal Effect Strength: The value multiplying the overall normal interactive effect (Visual only)

- Dig Ground Strength: The vertex displacement multiplier (Vertex position only)

|| Tiling Textures ||

- Tiling Albedo: A colored texture to control the tiling color

- Height Map: The texture controlling the parallax occlusion effect, white = no height, black = deep height

- Height Scale: The multiplier of the parallax effect

- Parallax min/max samples: The sample definition of the height effect, lower it for better performances

|| Tiling Values ||

- Tiling Scale: The scale parameter controlling the tiling texture coordinates

- Tiling Trail Color: The tint of the interactive effect on the tiling (color is reversed; white = very dark tint trail)

- Tiling Transparency: Parameter used by the additive component and the terrain script, sets the rock alpha, in most cases you do not want to touch this

|| Mud Values ||

- Mud Scale: The scale parameter controlling the mud texture coordinates, here "mud" refers to the dug ground effect, when you interact with the ground with a blue colored effect you get mud.

- Mud Wave Height: The max height a water wave can reach (based on local position)

- Mud Water Height Offset: The offset value to offset the water height (based on local position)

- Mud Albedo: The color of the ground mud

- Mud Water Albedo: The color of the water in the mud

- Water Scale: The scale of the water textures

- Water Speed: The speed of water scrolling

- Water Level: The value at which the water is supposed to be levelled, -1 = no water / 0 = water barely below ground surface / 1 = water flood

|| Custom Fog ||

- Fog Texture: The fog pattern texture that will render above the ground (if you don't require custom fog then disable it in the pragmas)

- Flow Texture: The flow texture of the fog (how it will move)

- Flow Direction: The overall movement direction of the fog

|| Lighting ||

- Projected Shadow Color: The color of the ground & tiling shadows

- Light Offset/Hardness: Range values to control how the light gets rendered on the material

- Rim Ground Color: The tint color of the ground rim light (alpha controls the scale)

- Additional Lights Intensity: The additional lights (points, spots) intensity multiplier, only works with additional lights 

|| Tessellation ||

- Tessellation TilingThe tessellation control value of the tiling, 1 = No Tessellation | 30 = maximum Tessellation, in the majority of uses you SHOULD leave it below 20

- Tessellation Ground: The tessellation control value of the ground, a good optimized value should be between 20 and 50

|| Pragmas ||

- Is Only TilingIf enabled, will turn the whole mesh into tilings independently from vertex color

- Is Only GroundIf enabled, will turn the whole mesh into ground independently from vertex color

- Is UnlitIf enabled, will disable all lighting calculation from the material

- Use Ambient Light: Enables the use of ambient scene lighting

- Use RT: If enabled, will activate the interactive feature, disable it if you don't intend to use the interactive part

- Is Terrain: If enabled, will activate the Terrain feature, do not enable this feature by itself instead you should use the Ground Terrain component

- Use For VR: Enables the compatibility with single pass rendering for VR

- Use World CoordinatesIf enabled, will project the ground textures in world coordinates independent from mesh uv, turn it off if you want to use your mesh uvs

- Use Custom FogIf enabled, will enable the custom animated fog overlaying the ground

- Use Low EndIf enabled, will disable every process intensive shader features for low-end hardwares. Enable this feature to get a performance boost

- Use Double SpecularIf enabled, will project 2 opposite suns onto the specular shading, disable it to render only 1 sun specular

You can switch textures around or try different materials from the large collection in the package:

You can create your own textures for any texture slots


If you want to create your own materials here is the list of the Ground shaders:


Ground: The standard Ground shader

GroundNoTessellation: The same as the above but without the vertex tessellation feature, use this variant to build for WebGl or low-end mobile; see more about WebGl and Mobile Build

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